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CLR: Our Services

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Reference/Circulation Services

  1. Assistance to users on the use of books and reserve collections.
  2. Assistance to users on the use of WorldCat Discovery and available electronic databases.
  3. Issuance of referral letters to faculty members and students who would like to use other libraries.
  4. Online renewal of borrowed library materials.
  5. Placing of holds online to reserve library materials that are currently checked out.
  6. Bibliographic services.
  7. Miscellaneous services, which include library orientation/instruction for students and faculty members, and guided library tours.

Audio Visual (AV) Services

  1. Multimedia assistance in the use of AV equipment
  2. Lending of Multimedia projectors
  3. Photo coverage (digital)
  4. Video coverage
  5. Sound system operation in campus events
  6. Classroom audio-visual equipment maintenance
  7. Audio-Video Viewing Area         BenildeCLR         BenildeCLR         BenildeCLR          Benilde CLR