- Commercial DVDs and VCDs - movies and instructional materials
- In-house DVDs - video coverage of College events and activities
- Audio CDs
- CD-ROMs and DVD-ROMs
Important Notes:
- Commercial DVDs and VCDs can only be borrowed for classroom use.
- Audio-CDs, CD-ROMs, and In-house DVDs can be borrowed for home use for one (1) week.
- amplifiers and speakers
- microphones and microphone stands
- digital still cameras and video cameras
- DVD players
- LED TVs and LED monitors
- laptops*
- multimedia projectors and wireless presenters
- cords and cables
- tripods
- rostrums
Important Notes:
- Borrowing of AV equipment is on a first-come, first-served basis and strictly for campus use only.
- Due to the limited number of laptops, only two (2) units per campus are available for lending at a given time.