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Br. Fidelis Leddy Center for Learning Resources (CLR) News

We have Campus Sync Zones at the CLR!

by Roselle Maestro on 2022-09-05T19:05:00+08:00 in General Interest | 0 Comments

In support of the College's flexible learning modalities, the Br. Fidelis Leddy Center for Learning Resources is pleased to announce that we have Campus Sync Zones (CSZ) at the CLR!

CSZ are specifically intended for students and associates who need to attend or deliver their synchronous online classes on campus.

Below are the locations of the CSZ at the four CLR branches. Please visit to learn how to reserve your seat.



πŸ“ CLR-Main (2/F, Mutien-Marie Hall, Taft Campus)

🎧 Bring your headset (BYOH)

πŸ“ CLR-Extension (G/F, Solomon Hall, Taft Campus)

🎧 Bring your headset (BYOH)

πŸ“ CLR-Design and Arts Campus (7/F)

🎧 Bring your headset (BYOH)

πŸ“ CLR-Learning Commons (8/F, DA Campus)

🎧 πŸ’» Bring your headset (BYOH) and device (BYOD)

πŸ“ CLR-Student Lounge (10/F, AKIC Campus)

🎧 Bring your headset (BYOH)




πŸ“ CLR-Discussion Rooms (7/F, DA Campus)

🎧 Bring your headset (BYOH) and device (BYOD)

πŸ’» Laptops are available for lending upon request. Please proceed to the CLR Circulation Counter to check availability.



For inquiries, please contact us through the following channels: email us at ; follow our social media pages in Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube ; or engage us in a live chat through our widget on our website at (Monday to Friday, 8:00AM to 5:00PM).

See you there!




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